domingo, 27 de abril de 2014

Happy Easter

La semana pasada, los alumnos  de 6º de Primaria junto con la “teacher” Rosa, estuvieron decorando los famosos huevos de Pascua (Easter Eggs) como manda la tradición anglosajona.
De igual modo una vez decorados y terminados, estuvieron jugando a la búsqueda de los huevos, escondidos previamente por distintas partes del patio.

Como podéis ver en las fotos, los alumnos lo pasaron pipa buscándolos. 

Last week, Sixth Grade's pupils were decorating the well-known and famous easter eggs with the help of her teacher, Rosa, following the english tradition. 
Once the eggs were completely decorated and finished, they were hidden in different places of the playground. What pupils had to do was to find the eggs.  
As you can see in the photos, they had a wonderful time while searching for them. 

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